Brides dread the possibility of being sick on their wedding day. No bride wants a nose red from the sniffles or a cold so here are a few preventive measures to keep your body healthy and in tip top shape.

My personal favorite, Honest Tea's Green Tea with Honey. Honest Tea has Epigallocatechin gallate. Wow, what the heck is that mouthful? Well aside from this specific Honest Tea being a tasty drink, it is full of EPCG and it's powerful antioxidants. Scientists posit that it may protect our cells from oxidative damage from free radicals. Chronic diseases associated with free radical damage include cancer, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and faster aging. It can also protect our cells from ultraviolet and radiation damage. But best of all, it MAY (and I only say may) be effective in promoting fatv oxidation and LOWERING OF BODY WEIGHT. Hmmm... what bride (or mother of the bride) wouldn't love to lose a few pounds, have better looking skin just from drinking some green tea? It's also a well known cold remedy.
Read more about EPCG here or

Winter, spring, summer or fall, many of us suffer from allergies, and even if we don't we're surrounded by people who are and their germ-laden sneezes. Purell won't stop the sneezes but it can help stop the person to person spread of germs. Keep a purse size Purell Hand Sanitizer with you (they also make sprays and wipes along with the handy gels) and have an effective defense against germs left on doors, shopping carts and other contaminated surfaces.
Suffering from an upper respiratory infection? Rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal allergies and dryness, post nasal drip, other sinus problems, nasal congestion from flu or colds and other causes all have been shown to be relieved by using these clever little pots. So if you suffer from some of the symptoms above, give a Neti Pot by NasalFlo a try.
Photo courtesy of Stonyfield Organic Yogurt
Some studies have shown that just a cup a day of low fat yogurt can reduce you susceptibility to colds by 25%. Researchers suggest that the beneficial bacteria in the yogurt my stimulate production of immune system substances that fight disease. I know what I'm piling in my grocery cart next trip!
Read more health tips and advice from the nutritionists at Stoneyfield here. Sure sounds to me like a lot of really good reasons for buying yogurt. (Oh, you have to eat it, not just store it in your frig.)
Photo courtesy of Cold-Eeze.
There are debates about whether Cold-Eeze works, but some studies have shown it can cut the length of your cold in half if you take it at the first sign of a cold. Worth a try, especially if you feel like your about to come down with a cold a few days before your wedding. Just one more product that can help you have a happy and healthy beginning to your married life. The company offers a satisfaction guarantee, so it's worth the investment!
So stay healthy and if you can't stay healthy use something to make your allergies and cold more comfortable. And enjoy your big day!