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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

DIY Wedding Invites--A Little Different

Consider this option for your wedding invitations shown on August and After's web site. These invitations from Vista Print are postcards--a great option to save postage and it will certainly consume less paper--can we say 'decrease the carbon footprint of your wedding?' Always a great idea! Think about the amount of waste that goes into weddings from the paper used to the gas consumed. Why not try to decrease it just a little bit?


brochure printing said...

This option for your wedding invitations is very best and helpful! Your postcard have a great option to save postage and it will certainly consume less paper--can we say 'decrease the carbon footprint of your wedding.

Unknown said...

I so agree! The amount of unecessary paper used for wedding invitations is amazing! Between all the inner envelopes, the weight of the paper used, etc. etc. etc. While I like the idea of e-responses better yet, I understand some seniors and others may not have access to computers. But postcards are certainly a great option.